Similar iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S10 will be present in 3 sizes?


Samsung is preparing to launch its next flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S10. At the same time, it is reported that this smartphone will come in three different sizes next year.

Up to now, this South Korean company has offered two different sizes for its high-end handsets. The claims will be other measures, called Business Insider, quoting Ming-Chi Kuo, an badyst at TF International, who predicts that Samsung will try to compete with Apple by launching three S10 variants, similar to the next iPhone line.

Kuo notes that we could see Galaxy S10 come in 5.8 inches, 6.1 inches and 6.4 inches. Two larger ones are expected to get ultrasonic fingerprint readers on the screen, eliminating the trend of placing sensors on the back panel to accommodate the Infinity Display Galaxy from the previous two generations. While the smaller model will have the fingerprint reader on the side

Not only will the fingerprint reader, as proclaimed TNW, tuesday (17 / 07/2018), the larger Galaxy S10 is also supposed to adopt three cameras, and a 3D camera on the front for facial recognition.

Hmm … this latest feature is not impossible will give Samsung a chance to upset Huawei who has now triumphed with his P20 Pro.

Similar items iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S10 Comes in 3 sizes? and other information on the latest technologies that you can get at Telset.

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