Since so boyfriend Billy Syahputra, Hilda Vitria often abroad? – VIVA


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VIVA – Perhaps the citizens' conversation for a vacation in Australia with Billy Syahputra, Hilda Vitria has already been mentioned as a woman who often spends Billy money, since she was coming out with the former lover Syahnaz Sadiqah

The badumption, Kriss Hatta, a man who once married Hilda said, when berpacaram with him, Hilda never once vacationed abroad. It was revealed by Kriss when he met the call of the Criminal Investigations Branch on the allegation of falsification of marriage documents with Hilda

"I have never been to the lnst. Alien, I know that he has never been abroad.On June 30, I did not find him at his mother 's, but he was in Singapore with l & # 393; man, "said Kriss at the Jakarta Police Headquarters in Jakarta on Monday, July 2, 2018.

Billy and Hilda, Kriss thinks he's happy now without needing to imply his name in his personal life.

"Lazy I feel I am happy myself No need to mention the names of these two people. (19459016) dzalimi [1945907]" he said

continuing to face the next Hilda's marriage hearing with the religious court of Bekasi, Ja wa West, Kriss also stated that he would provide relevant evidence of his case.

"The next date is July 12. I have make sure the power of attorney.On the 12th we will continue the new marriage annulment hearing.There I will give second proof, "he said.

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