Sitting with their family, these policemen suddenly persecuted by dozens of people


PINRANG, – Bripka Suhardi, a member of the Pinrang Police Drug Unit in South Sulawesi (Sulsel), was seriously injured on the hands and feet after being tortured by dozens of people using sharp weapons.

This was forwarded by the Deputy Police Chief of AKBP Ali Syahban to the Pinrang Police Headquarters, Tuesday (27/11/208).

Ali added that the chronology of the incident began when the victim visited his family who had arranged a wedding at Kampung Awang-awang, Sipatokkong Village, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi.

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"Bripka Suhardi was in touch with her family in Awang-awang Incidentally, her family in the village had only been married for a few days, maybe it had just happened." said Ali Syahban.

However, while they were sitting under the house with four other members of the family, dozens of strangers suddenly attacked the victim with sharp weapons.

As a result, the victim was injured in both legs and both hands. "Dozens of perpetrators ended the persecution after the victim claimed to be a member of the police," Ali said.

At present, the victim is being treated at the Lasinrang Pinrang Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

"We are still investigating the motives of the attack against the police unit of Pinrang Police.We suspect that the perpetrators are being wrongly targeted," Ali concluded.

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