SMRC called traitor Anies Dihap if Nyapres without Prabowo


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – CEO of Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC), Djayadi Hanan, mentions Anies Rasyid Baswedan has the potential to become one of the candidates for vice presidency from the presidential election of 2019. (19659002) Joko Widodo and non-petahana camp, although seen more inclined to the second possibility.

Nevertheless, Djayadi considers that the chances of Anies to be vice president depend strongly on several things, including who will propose him as a companion. The number of Jokowi challengers will also have an impact on the success of this non-petahana camp in capturing the vote.

"The non-petahana faction must be cautious, I will not let it down, it will be easier to challenge the petahana if they are one, go ahead for the candidate to receive the petahana. 39 "Downstream of the main character outside Jokowi now is Prabowo," said Djayadi at the SMRC office, Jakarta, Thursday (5/7)

Anies Opportunity will be even bigger if Gerindra's general president [19659002] Prabowo Subianto moved away from this political struggle to support him. The newly inaugurated governor of DKI Jakarta, nine months ago, has a chance to get votes from Prabowo supporters.

"Voters cut off camps that are not satisfied with the current petahana," he said.

On the contrary, if Prabowo and Anies do not step forward as a couple, it will have a negative effect on Anies who is considered to be betraying Prabowo.

Anies will not only face Jokowi as a presidential candidate, but will also face Prabowo. JK

Anies who recently saw a car with the Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) was theoretically evaluated as Djayadi could be paired with JK. "JK is indeed Golkar but it seems that Mr JK will have trouble using Golkar as the party that nominated him for the presidency, as well as Mr Anies," he said.

19659006] Djayadi explained that if you want to run for presidential and vice presidential elections, JK and Anies must first find the party bearer. If all parties outside of Jokowi's coalition are ready to wear JK-Anies, then both still have a chance. But otherwise, it will be very hard for both.

But about the intimacy of JK-Anies, Djayadi considers that JK's intention behind politics is just to evoke alternatives that may require badysis and contribution . Djayadi sees that JK, seen as a successful vice president, ends Anies. JK himself had a voice in East Indonesia thanks to his character so he could play the role of a king [Apakah itu] affects the party, not necessarily because anies is at least the most powerful vice president. 19659018] Earlier, Anies Baswedan admitted that the decision to fight in the presidential election of 2019 depends on the president of the political party that supported him during the 2017 regional presidential election in Jakarta. Last year. He admitted that there are three cetaceans of political parties that will determine their fate in the 2019 presidential election, namely Prabowo Ketum PKS Sohibul Iman, and Ketum PAN Zulkifli Hasan

"Regarding the Presidential candidate, it is about Pak Zul, Pak Sohibul Iman and Mr. Salim (Segaf Al-Jufri as president of Majelis Syuro PKS), he decides, "said Anies after meeting Zulkifli in Parliament, Jakarta, on Thursday ( 5/7). (DAL)

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