So police in 22 minutes Ario Bayu Objection – Movie News


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Eko Satrio Wibowo, July 17, 2018
  ario bayu In his latest film titled 22 Minutes Ario Bayu claimed a lot of help from the Police of the Republic of Indonesia ( POLRI). Especially in the preparation of characters melakoni Adjutant Police Commissioner (AKBP) Ardi. In fact, in order to deepen his role, the 33 – year – old actor was trained to be a police officer for about 1 month from the most basic.

"One really taught me as if I wanted to go to the police, especially to get into their elite team, learn how to shoot, how to hold the right weapon, hold guns, a lot of deh, super fun "Soekarno said: Indonesia Merdeka (19459007) (2013) after the press conference at Epicentrum XX, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday afternoon (16/7).

Not only that, Ario also revealed some other important aspects in the font that support the play. "I do not have only weapons, I have to know the tactics of the police, there are some aspects of the intelligence of the police, so there are many elements that I have to apply for the life of this character Ardi ".

Actor What's With Love 2 (2016) It also tells the most difficult challenges in training and shooting. According to Ario, one of the most difficult is knowing when to wear bulletproof vests and weapons simultaneously.

"Anti-ball dipasukkin in the vest and he (weighs) 9 kilograms," said Ario. "All we use is authentic, original, nothing is wrong, there is a scene where I have to catch the target, take it's really long … c & # Is already the hand that wants to go down because the weapons and the vest once, "he explained.

22 Minutes is a movie adapted from the Thamrin bomb attack in Jakarta in January 2016. The story of AKBP Ardi (Ario Bayu) with a unit police tracking the perpetrators of the attack. With a traffic policeman named Firman (Ade Firman hakim), he has to save people and ensure safety.

Directed by Eugene Panji and Myrna Paramita, the film released from July 19, 2018 is also hosted by Ajeng Kartika, Ardina Rasti, Ence Bagus, Fanny Fadillah, Hana Malasan, Khiva Iskak, Mathias Muthus, Raya Adena Shah, Taskya Namya, Totos Rasiti and Vincent Rompies.

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