Some operators have tested 5G, Smartfren wants to follow?


Jakarta – A number of operators, such as Telkomsel, XL Axiata and Indosat Ooredoo, have conducted 5G tests. What about Smartfren?

Smartfren Brand Manager Roberto Saputra believes that the implementation of 5G in the new Indonesia will develop in two or three years. After all, the penetration rate of 4G in the country has not reached 90%, in addition to 2G and 3G customers still present.

"Maybe after three years we will talk about 5G, because for this new network (like) the 5G, we need a handset (new). is not available at the moment, so we can not create a network if there is no handset, "he said. in Jakarta, Thursday (29/11/2018).

Roberto also wondered if even a 5G smartphone was on the market, would the community immediately use the service. This is related to price issues.

In addition, the development of the fifth network technology has hitherto focused more on industrial needs, such as self-driving vehicles or cars. Roberto was not sure that in the near future the general public would need 5G services.

"5G if for YouTube, streaming, 4G is enough.If the 5G is used, if I see it, for cars that work alone, holograms and others," said this man with glbades.

In addition, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) has also not published a 5G regulation regarding the spectrum to be used. While Roberto said: "The most important regulation is because it will open (implementation of 5G)".

Even in this case, Smartfren does not ignore 5G. On the contrary, they have already competed for the service.

"Technologically, we've prepared a roadmap for 5G, so we've recently updated that our technology is using 4G + going to 5G, and we're ready to go, only commercialization has been done. still need time, "he said.

(jsn / krs)

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