Spanish astronomers find a habitable planet


By: Eko P |, Jakarta Astronomers from the Canary Islands, Spain, have announced a number of their latest planetary discoveries. The astrophysicist Rafael Luque, of the Spanish Institute of Astrophysics, said that the team of international astronomers he was managing had managed to find a new solar system, with a planet that can be inhabited by humans.

These three planets orbit around GJ 357, a red dwarf star, a small sun and a cooling phase of 31 light-years. The distance is quite close, in the context of space.

NASA has also reported the results of satellite monitoring TESS, a planetary hunter. The planet, named GJ 257d, which is farthest from the sun, should be inhabited by humans. While the other two planets are considered too hot.

The condition of a planet is considered possible to inhabit humans, is included in the rocky plains. In addition, its size is similar to that of the Earth and the distance between the planet and the sun is located in the area of ​​"Gold Loop", not too far nor too close. Thus, it helps to have the right temperature for the water, the key to life.

Luque told AFP that the new planet was at the same distance from the sun as the distance between Mars and the sun. It is estimated that the new planet has a temperature of -53 degrees Celsius or -63.4 Fahrenheit.

The researchers also estimate that the 257d GJ is about the same size as the Earth. Or, he can reach twice. But this planet is not the first discovery of a planet that can be inhabited by humans. (EP / VOA / Taf / INI Network)

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