Speedboat collision in Sebatik, the Speaker of the House speaks of grief


Five people died and 12 others were injured in the accident.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -Ketua DPR RI Bambang Soesatyo expressed concern and grief over the collision of two speedboats that illegally bring Indonesian workers around Sei Nyamuk waters, Sebatik, on Friday night ( 29/06). A speedboat departed Tawau, Indonesia, by another speedboat from Sebatik to Tawau. As a result, five people died and 12 others were injured.

"I am sorry for the deaths of five people who have been victims of the accident, I hope that people will no longer take the waterways illegally." And there is no guarantees and protections, while to work abroad, the government has provided many equipment and facilities, "said Bamsoet in Jakarta, in a press release issued on 30/06/06

Realization of the construction of the State Border Post (PLBN) at Sei Pancang, North Sebatik, Nunukan, North Kalimantan. With the operation of this PLBN should avoid the trafficking of illegal workers entering and leaving Sebatik, especially those in Tawau, Malaysia.

"Due to the absence of PLBN, many of our parents went to Malaysia and returned to Indonesia A former Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives claims that the PLBN not only controls the entries and the outflows of people who are in the water courses of Sebatik and Tawau, and out of Indonesia, PLBN will also affect economic activities and increase the welfare of the citizens. "With the PLBN, the mobility of people and goods between countries can be controlled to ensure good connectivity and accessibility in the development of border areas, "said Bamsoet

Bamsoet added that the House of Representatives is still ready to help the government through the Ministry of the UPPR in terms of budget management to ensure and prepare funds to build the PLBN. "Only the political will of the government in determining the priority scale that comes first in development, "said Bamsoet.

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