Spend $ 5 a day on her children's clothes


Today, Pkl. 09:24 WIB • Read: 15 times • http://www.mdn.biz.id/n/351632/

Iskandar is very concerned about the appearance of his son, El Barack Alexander
who was four years old. About fashion for El, Jessica does not have

Jessica confessed to spending Rs 5 million a day to buy children's clothing alone. "Once, once spent Rp 5 million, it's the clothes, trousers, pants dalem and others," said Jessica Iskandar in Studio Trans TV, Jl. Tendean, South Jakarta, Thursday (28/6).

Now that time pbades and El Barack's needs grow, Jessica begins to cut down on fashion purchases for her son. "I rarely buy one, a big bag, up to the age of 4-5, rarely, little time, if it was a little time so often," he said. said Jessica Iskandar

"Usually, I still buy clothes on the streets. Buyers are also sufficient. Especially clothing cepet small too small, the furniture is also small, "added Jessica Iskandar. In addition, Jessica Iskandar says she chose boys' clothes rather than a holster. In addition, El Barack already has his own desire to choose. "It is easy to become difficult, especially children, he has his own will, yes I always do, the most important is to buy his clothes to be mixed, macem-macem," said Jessica Iskandar. (msn)

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