Spicy foods with caffeine, here are 9 contents that can accelerate aging


TRIBUN-BALI.COM– The food we consume affects not only health, but also beauty, especially the beauty of the skin.

Without you knowing it, maybe during all this time, your diet will have a negative impact.

Like breakfast with a little cake and a cup of coffee in the morning.

Or sandwiches as a lunch choice that looks good.

It turns out that foods such as those mentioned above have a negative effect on the body if they are consumed in the long run.

Excess sugar, saturated fats and excess salt dehydrate our body.

Quoted by Tribunnews.com in Brightside.me, the following nine foods can accelerate aging without our knowledge.

1. sugar

Sugar is responsible for weight gain, wrinkles, sagging skin and general health.

Eating too much sugar triggers a process called glycation.

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