Fimela.com, Jakarta When you're young, you tend not to think too much about the healthn in particular on how to manage the aging phase healthily.
As you get older, many people often regret and hope to pay more attention to their health when they are young. Even though we do not think much about health, in our youth we must at least pay close attention to eating habits and physical exercise so that we can deal with aging in a healthy way.
The more we eat healthy and exercise regularly, the more likely we are to experience a healthy aging phase. Susan Bowerman, Senior Director, Nutrition Education and Training at Herbalife Nutrition Worldwide, said that eating is one of the habits we can practice regularly every day. This means that each type of food will provide an opportunity to reinforce your healthy habits.
One of them is to learn how to determine the portions and choose the type of solid and nutritious foods. Whenever you make the right food choices, you need to be more badertive, adopt good eating habits and be useful for the rest of your life.
"I have made contributions to many older patients who have poor eating habits and suddenly decide to change their lifestyle to adopt healthier lifestyles.This is triggered by age or even by problems They also stated that it was very difficult to change the eating habits that had been practiced for decades before, "said Susan.
According to a survey titled "2018 Survey of Healthy Aging in Asia and the Pacific," conducted in August 2018 among about 5,500 people aged 40 and over in 11 countries, the majority of respondents in Indonesia (71%) thought that measures such as healthier lifestyle changes will help them cope with healthy aging.
Even 90% of Indonesian respondents said they were aware and took positive steps to cope with aging. It is neither too late nor too early to pay attention to health by dieting and exercising regularly to achieve a healthy aging phase. But if you're still young, it's a good idea to consider a number of points below for a healthy age.
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