Strike 5 prisoners Caleg Ex Corruption, KPU Not Deceiving – VIVA


VIVA – The General Electoral Commission completed the process of verifying the registration of future candidates or candidates for the legislature of 16 national political parties

KPU President Arief Budiman said that his institution had found five documents. According to Arief, his side immediately imposed an eligible game (TMS) on the five candidates. This is in accordance with the Regulations of the General Electoral Commission (KPPU) Number 20 of 2018.

"At the conclusion of the examination based on the existing documents, it was found that five candidates had been corrupt, based on verdicts said Arief in his office, Jakarta, Monday, July 23, 2018.

Arief added, the following document the candidates who barred the returned candidates to their respective political parties. of the five candidates, the party of origin can immediately prepare a successor.

The KPU stated that the five TMS candidates come from old political parties. (19659005) The candidates categorized as TMS by the KPU RI, among them, come from the electoral districts of Aceh 2, Bangka Belitung, South-East Sulawesi (South-East Sulawesi) and Central Java 6.

"Five of these people in the document requirements attach a copy the verdict expl that the former detainee of corruption and law enforcement permanently, "explained Arief

  West Sumatera Electoral Commission (right) examined the registration of future members of the Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia, Alirman Sori (left) at the West Sumatera Electoral Commission, Padang

Meanwhile, members of the KPU RI Ilham Saputra added that the change Candidate must be egera done by the political parties. This refers to the KPU's Schedule of Candidates (DCT) on September 21 and 23, 2018.

"Political parties may reimburse unsuccessful candidates on July 22 and 31, 2018" Ilham explained. Political parties have finished applying for candidates and registration of candidates, and then KPU will announce the Candidate Candidate List (DCS). And, this DCS will be announced to the public from August 8 to 12, 2018.

When the DCS is announced, the public can provide information to the KPU regarding the names of the candidates. Community contributions will be an ingredient for the KPU to perform other checks

"If they are proven to have a criminal offense mentioned in the law, then we will stipulate that their registration is not eligible" said Ilham. After the DCS verification is complete, the KPU will determine the list of candidates on September 20, 2018. If it is placed in DCT and finds that the candidate is problematic, then the political party can not make any changes.

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