Strong Rain Cancel Youth Oath Warning at Botanical Garden Bogor


Strong Rain Cancel Youth Oath Warning at Botanical Garden Bogor
President Joko Widodo (center) met with a number of interpreters before the commemoration of the Youth Oath Day at Cafe Grand Garden, Bogor Botanical Garden, West Java, Sunday (10/28/18) . The commemoration of the 90th Youth Oath Day on the theme "The difference, it's strength" was canceled due to the high intensity of rainfall in the city of Bogor. – Antara / Arif Firmansyah, BOGOR – Torrential rain from afternoon to night has canceled the climax of the 90th anniversary of the celebration of the 90th Youth Oath, which was attended by President Joko Widodo at the Bogor Botanical Garden on Sunday (10/28/2018).

According to the observations of Antara, the rain has faded around 19:00 and about 3,000 guests have had time to fill the seats of the central square of Bogor Botanical Garden.

The culmination of the commemoration of the 90th Youth Oath on the theme "Difference is Strength" brought together young people from diverse backgrounds: students, community members, start-up actors , etc., starting with the stand "Two singers and one artist" up (simple comedy), but heavy rain returned to Bogor City and its surroundings.

In fact, the invitations were always in their place using raincoats, but the increasing rain pushed the committee to invite the guests to take shelter.

The event, which will start at 20:00, is finally canceled because until 21:00, the rain becomes heavy.

In this natural state, President Joko Widodo then met the invitation representatives, performers and organizers at the Grand Garden Restaurant, right in the middle of the Botanical Garden.

The Chair invited representatives of the Youth Commitment Invitation Invitation to take a photo in turn and took a group photo.

At the meeting with the representatives of the invitation, the president was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Pratikno, the head of the creative agency Triawan Munaf, the head of the team Jokowi national campaign Ma & # 39; ruf, Erick Tohir, coordinator of the special staff of President Teten Masduki, Mayor of Bogor Bima Arya.

At approximately 9:30 am, President Jokowi and his entourage left. The guests also left the tents where they were waiting.

Source: Between

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