Sudirman reported the progress of the central Java gubernator to DPP PKS


On this day Sudirman visited the office of the PKP DPP

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The candidate of the Central Java governor (cagub Jateng) number 2, Sudirman Said visited the office of the DPP of the Party of Prosperous Justice (PKS) on Jalan TB Simatupang, Jakarta on Monday (2/7) this afternoon. (19659003) "We took the time to report to the party chairman last week I met Mr. Zulkifli Hasan and today I met with the chairman of PKS Sohibul Iman and also to transmit the development of post-election development in Central Java, and of course there are suggestions, this next week will be an important moment for the determination of the Central Java election results, "

In a meeting held around 14:00, he revealed that he would report related developments the results of his team's current account and the results of what was experienced during the election

"I is came because he was appointed by the party so everything has to be addressed to He admits that he will also meet the chairman of the Subiant Party Gerindra Prabowo. o and president of the National Party of l '. Awakening (PKB) Based on the monitoring launches Republika the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources arrives around 13:30.

Batik dressed and wearing a black cap, Sudirman faces the reporter's question before entering the room. The members of the media team were banned from attending the meeting and were allowed to wait in front of the PKP DPP office

The Ganjar couple Pranowo-Taj Yasin outperformed the Sudirman Said- Ida Fauziyah while the Indobarometer). With almost final votes reaching 97.67%, Ganjar-Taj received 56.70% of votes

Meanwhile, Sudirman-Ida gained 43.30%. A number of other investigative agencies have also shown similar results. Like SMRC with 93 percent of incoming votes, Ganjar gained 58.31 percent. Sudirman-Ida caught 41.69 percent.

This vote should be final with a win in place. Previously, Ganjar also continued to excel in survey results for several months

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