Sudirman said he attended Ganjar before counting


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Central Java Governor Candidate Number Two, Sudirman Said refuses to meet his rival, Ganjar Pranowo, before the official count of the KPU for 2015 Central Java Pilgub is completed. [19459006Howevertomeetatanytimebutisnotapersonalrelationshipwithtwoormorecandidateswhoarefollowingthesamewaythatwehavebeenabletoembraceforthebaseball(PKS)Monday(2/7)

Sudirman said that he was only willing to meet Ganjar as a candidate for the regional head after the Central Election Commission of Java released the official election results

Sudirman said that until now, Ganjar did not contact him after the 2014 regional elections.

"No, baseball is there, he also speaks in the media," said the former Minister of Energy and Resources. (19459006) Sudirman says that abstinence meets Ganjar before counting "/> Ganjar Pranowo admits that he has received no congratulations from Sudirman Said. (BETWEEN PHOTO / R. Rekotomo)

Sudirman's words following the recognition of Ganjar Pranowo who mentioned not having received congratulations from Sudirman.Ganjar said that he intended to meet Sudirman.

"I really want to meet you because I missed it," Ganjar told reporters after being interviewed as a witness at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Thursday (28/6).

Based on the preliminary results of the Ganjar vote of Sudirman in the election of Central Java. The rapid results of the Sudirman-Ida Fauziah Indobarometer garnered 43.26% of the vote. The pair was narrowly defeated by rival Ganjar-Yasin with 67.3% of votes

Despite quick results, Sudirman is still waiting for the official KPU results as organizer. He will accept whatever the official decision of the KPU.

"Later, regardless of the results submitted, we decided the organizers we receive, no words we do not accept," he said. (ayp)

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