Sudirman Said speaks Vice Prabowo from outside the coalition parties. Anies Jokowi Opposante Opportunity?


Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and Sudirman told DKI City Hall Jakarta, Tuesday (25/6) .- JIBI – Alif Nazzala Rizqi JAKARTA – Former Java's central governor candidate who led the Sudirman Said party expressed optimism that the third party coalition will carry a vice president for Prabowo from outside the three parties.

According to Sudirman, one of the candidates of the party's external cadres can be accepted is Anies Baswedan, if Gerindra continues to ask Prabowo

He considered that the tripartite coalition was strong enough and was proved in Pilkada some time ago . In one of the campaigns, the PKS openly wanted the president's replacement to refer to President Jokowi.

Sudirman admitted that the replacement spirit of the president in the regions was quite strong. It has been proven that his voice in Central Java could be over 40%, although until December 2017, the survey on the elektabilitas was only 10%

"The three parties are open parties, and he even thought that the combination of candidates and vice-presidents would be outside the party cadres."

"We are happy that political parties become a sort of agent of potential research, "he told Parliament Wednesday, however, Sudirman did not want to be a cadre of any of the three parties.Suderman also admitted that he will not run as a presidential candidate. after losing to Central Java Pilgub

Meanwhile, PKS politician Mahfudz Siddiq urged Jakarta governor Aniès Baswedan to fulfill his performance as regional leader.

"Mr. Anies, you are elected governor not only by the people of DKI but in involving so many people outside of DKI, because there is movement 212, so finish that mandate well, "said Mahfudz. If Anies finishes his job as governor of DKI until 2023. The PKS also contributes to the victory of the former minister.

Mahfudz goes on, there are two factors that should be considered if the PKS opens the possibility of pushing Anies into the presidential nomination. First, the mandate of Anies as governor who is not even a year old. Secondly, Anies is not a PKS aka nonparpol frame

"Because the implementation of the general election does not make the figure of the candidate who won but is beaten at Pilegnya", added Mahfudz

. still fight for nine executives names who were accepted to be presidential or vice-presidential candidates in 2019.

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