Sule says responsible and not selfish husband, Lina's lawyer is just unloading this fact


  Sule is a responsible and selfless husband, Lina's lawyer just unloaded this fact

Lina's lawyer, Abdurrahman, reveals one of the things which are exactly the opposite of Sule's confession

WowKeren Sule had confirmed that he was trying to be the responsible husband of his wife and of their children.

"It is impossible because of this (because of the purchase of a motorcycle), I come home every day, I am responsible as a husband, every year I want to try , "said Sule. "Only we and God know that it can be small if we reduce it, but a small problem can be big if we grow up, I want it to be small, it wants to be big, yes, no matter . "

He also tries not to be a selfish or vengeful husband. "If I am a selfish man of yesterday, I want to divorce, I do not want to be selfish and vengeful, all the problems can be solved, so now mediation, I hope that there is a Permission from Allah for my wife to hear. "

But the woman just reveals something else about Sule. Although the comedian claims to be a good husband, Lina would no longer be supported by Sule.

"As far as I'm concerned, there is no life in the divorce process, there is no material," said Abdurrahman, Lina's attorney. "I do not care about lina lina, I'm crazy, (Nafah) stop, do not exist, ask nothing, I do not ask for life, I do not have of gono-gini claims, enggak.

Abdurrahman also admitted that Lina still insisted on divorce. "Everyone stays in their position, so Ms. Lina stays with her stand for the divorce, Kang Sutisna stays with her position to come back so I think we respect both positions," he said.

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