Suryadharma Ali satisfied with JK's testimony


A lawyer claims that JK's testimony strengthens PK Suryadharma Ali.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) witnessed a review hearing (PK) sentenced for corruption of the Suryadharma Ali Corruption Court Jakarta pilgrimage, Wednesday (11/7 ). At the hearing, JK stated that the Minister had the discretion to use the Minister's Operational Fund (DOM).

In response to the testimony, the former Minister of Religious Affairs for the period 2009-2014 was satisfied with JK's testimony. "What is certain is that JK is my immediate supervisor, understands what the ministerial functions are and understands the minister's operational funding rules, so I'm tired of what he's doing." gave us today and hope that all parties can understand, "Suryadharma after the trial in the Jakarta Corruption Court on Wednesday (11/7).

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Suryadharma feels the verdict rendered by the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK) that is not appropriate because the ground rules have expired. "The loss of the country is based on PMK 003 in 2006, I was tried using the PMK number 003 of 2006. The PMK 2006 was revoked, so I am judged by the PMR deceased, "he said

Issue 3 of 2006 on Mandatory Administrative Accountability has been amended and regulated by the Minister of Finance's Standing Orders 268 / PMK.05 / 2014 on the implementation procedures of the budget of the operational fund of the minister / head of establishment. In belief, 80 percent of operational funds are donated / lump sum to the Minister / Head of the Institute and 20 percent are used for other operations.

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Suryadharma's law, Mr. Rullyandi, stated that JK's testimony strengthened his client. "Today 's information Mr. JK as vice president, we mean all that the DOM is not responsible for please note.It is an error up to now that may be a consideration for the panel of Supreme Court justices Thank you, "he said, sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 300 million rupees, suffer 3 months of Prison and 1.821 billion rupees of suryadharma Suryadharma is proven to commit a criminal act of corruption in the implementation of Hajj Suryadharma also proved that the Minister's operational fund was diverted by 1.8 billion rupees. DOM use was confirmed by the panel of judges not in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) governing the use of the DOM.

Due to the actions of Suryadharma together, the State suffered financial losses of 27,283,090,068 and SR 17,967,405. this verdict, the High Court of Jakarta has kept the sentence to 10 years in prison.

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In response, KPK prosecutor Abdul Basir claimed, KPK is not wrong to sue the former minister of cults from the period 2009- 2014. According to Basir, the DOM regulations are the responsibility of Suryadharma until 2013 before the publication of the new regulation of the Minister of Finance.

"The case of the positions is already lit, the letter of appeal and the verdict have been upheld before the high court, that the person using the DOM is misused." The flexible financial management of the state must have limits, the law limits it, Basir explained that after the trial in the Court of Corruption of Jakarta, Wednesday (11/7).

According to Basir, JK's statement that although flexible, but in management, must remain to support the duties as ministers. "It should be emphasized," he said.

Basir further explained that in the old and new DOM rules, there is no fundamental difference. JK said that to support the duties of the minister, if the duties of the minister did not exist, there would be no law, "Basir said.

See also: These three targets of Suryadharma Ali

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