Merdeka.com – Dissemination between Papua students with local residents in Dinoyo, Kota Malang was produced during the night. The riot occurred in one of the homes contracted by the student.
The head of the Malang Police, AKBP Asfuri, said that the place was safe after the measures taken by the security forces. There will be a meeting between the two parties.
"The incident last night was sure, later in the day we facilitated their meeting," said Asfuri in his short message Monday (2/7).
A conflict occurred around Gang VIII, Jalan MT Haryono, Malang City between local residents and students from Papua. The quarrel began when they would have watched a film of the Free Papua Movement.
Residents with local devices came to the scene and led to riots. Both parties had a pursuit action to cause congestion along Jalan MT Haryono Gang VIII.
Police took steps to secure students. They were kept overnight somewhere, having already been picked up at the Lowokwaru Police Station, which is not far from the place. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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