Syahrini Concert Dibanderol Price Up To Rp 25 Million, Nikita Mirzani Feel Too Expensive

[ad_1] – As for the concert of Syahrini that costs up to Rp 25 million, not only netizens who feel overpriced but also Nikita Mirzani. The star has just claimed that with money of this kind, she chose to come to a concert singer overseas or even buy goods for her children.

"It's like kayaking Celine Dion dong. no), only if Niki is invited to come and see what Niki does not look apart from the artist sih.Because it is nothing, the outdoor artists rarely in Indonesia yes, do not go wrong anymore later, they say, explains Nikita Mirzani when found in the number of Captain Tendean, South Jakarta, Thursday (26/7/2018).

Niki also felt that there was nothing wrong with a concert with tens of millions of prizes, "No problem because emang teteh Syahrini is clearly visible yes his work there maybe it's not a particular thought it's not her, but if it were sitting my own friends who often photograph you too. "

  Nikita Mirzani feels the price of the tickets concert Syahrini ahal. © Santoso Nikita Mirzani believes that the price of the Syahrini concert ticket is too expensive. © Santoso

For the mother of two, she is ready to spend Rp 25 million to watch the concert of clbadmates Beyonce and Rihanna of the world. In fact, he can also be present at the concert Agnez Mo with the same price.

For Nikita Mirzani, prices of Syahrini concerts are estimated at 25 million Rp is perceived as overpriced. In addition, he has two children, so feel more wise to buy the needs of his son and daughter.

"Oh no (do not want to pay Rp 25 million), Niki's widow because two children, Niki but the management already thinks that dong can not be directly erupted, all that there is Plus, plus VAT, taxes, "he says.

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