Syahrini Pun Sewot When asked about Song 'Again Syantik', Rush's 'Soft' & # 39; Escorted Five Bodyguard


TRIBUNJABAR.ID – Syahrini had interviewed the song "Lagi Syantik" sung by Siti Badriah

He felt that the song used a jargon that popularized it, Syantik.

However, Siti Badriah and songwriter Syantik Yogi RPH claimed that the inspiration of the song was not from Syahrini.

The song Again Syantik is loved and discussed by society.

Launch of Grid.ID, Syahrini was shocked when asked for answers about the song. his face changed his name and did not want to answer the question asked by the media team

"No comment, what is the matter?" said Syahrini in Bekasi, West Java , Saturday 7/7/2018. (19659002) By the way, Syahrini is escorted by more than five bodyguards.

Syahrini, director and brother of Syahrini, Aisyahrani also annoyed


• The problem of syantric songs, Syahrini called this jargon, Siti Badriah: The knowledge of the fairy Mimi

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Asyahrani told his sister to shut up and immediately climb into the car

"Who Asked?" (19659003) [Problème] Jargon Syantik

Syahrini regretted the artist who did not recognize him as a source of inspiration. [19659002]

Syahrini was always friendly and smiling.He said that many artists did not admit that they were inspired by the jargon he was popularizing.

"J & Like to sob and regret it, sometimes other artists, artists often follow this living mouth, "said Syahrini, quoted by Kompas.

Syahrini said that artists are sometimes hypocrites.

"You are not julide, manjah, syantik, but sometimes they like not to admit of Syahrini, apasih susahnya we are friends.But sometimes they like to be hypocrites, and they also get of money from me, receive blessings. "

Reply Siti Badriah

Report Bangka Pos quoting the Hotshot show Saturday (7/7/2018), Siti Badriah gives an explanation related to the song Lagi Syantik

He says that it is not Syahrini who has become the inspiration of the composer, Yogi RPH.

According to him, Yogi RPH was inspired by the program Mimi Elves who

Siti Badriah says that the confession desired by Syahrini can not be forced

Because, indeed, the source of the inspiration does not come from Syahrini

"Syantik comes from Inces, but if the creator of the song of Mimi Elves" Even though it's already the jargon of Inces, but yes, we we often see Mimi Fairy, so what else, "he continued.

Siti Badriah, however, does not want his relationship with pela (19659003)

Patent Jargon

] "I hope that my relationship with Syahrini is good, eliminates negative thoughts, Meanwhile, the controversial artist Nikita Mirzani suggested to the party that opposed to patent its jargon

It says that there is no problem of mutual claims

"Essentially, we can not claim unless it is patented". Hello, Thursday (5/7/2018).

"Well, it's next time if you want to publish something better, so if someone wants to bring a person to go to the owner first," he said. pursued. 19659002] Aisyahrani said that he could not patent the jargon popularized by Syahrini, but he said that the jargon used by Syahrini is the word used every day.

"Many are DM (direct message) to the management, to the email, why the jargonnya is not patented? No, it's a word everyday. But the style is used, it means, "said Aisyahrani during a meeting with Syahrini in the Tendean region, south of Jakarta, Wednesday, July 4, 2018.

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