Syahrini vs. Siti Badriah Kisruh Jargon & # 39; Syantik & # 39 ;, this man gets his sap


BANGKAPOS.COM – Disputes of "Syrian jargon" are now more and more widespread

As is known, Syahrini wants the "syanic" jargon of this song "Lagi Syantik" to be derived from it

"The song of Syantrini, it is not Syahrini, it is difficult to recognize the jargon of Syahrini." Do not do this, " Syahrini's complaint was met by Grid.ID on Jalan Kapten P Tendean, South Jakarta, Wednesday.For Syahrini, it is preferable that the singer of the song, Siti Badriah, recognize if the jargon was originally popularized by him.

The song "Lagi Syantik" flew in Youtube and in the world of the application Tik Tok

the video itself has managed to penetrate the number 200 million more.

The fees earned by the singer and the phenomenal singer-songwriter is certainly a tide of fortune that's no less. [19659002] Estimated, there was up to 2.8 billion Rp On average, the video brings in about 30 million rupees per day (payment on YouTube: 1 US $ per 1,000 views). " Syahrini said that

It seems to make Siti Badriah and the songwriter a little furious.

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