Tabebuya flowers develop as a selfie event for residents of Surabaya


Surabaya, CNN Indonesia – Views on a number of communication routes in the city Surabaya switch. Flowers along several streets of City of Heroes began to blossom. The landscape is even mentioned as the panorama of cherry blossoms in Japan and is used as a place of taking photos by citizens.

But the flower in bloom is not a cherry, but a flower Tabebuya.

Rini Dwiyanti, a resident of Surabaya, is among the people who use it to take pictures. According to him, it was a joy for the inhabitants of the East Java capital.

Dwi appreciated the efforts of the Surabaya city government that planted Tabebuya flowers along the Ahmad Yani road. According to him, the current vision of Surabaya is as in Tokyo, Japan.

"We are happy, the picture on the roadside of Ahmad Yani now looks like Tokyo," Rini said.

Tabebuya has an official name Tabebuia Chrysotricha.

Surabaya City Government Public Relations Officer Muhammad Fikser said Tabebuya was now spread over a number of protocol routes. Among them are Jalan Ahmad Yani, Jalan Darmo and Jalan Raya Gubeng, Surabaya.

"Many Tabebuya flowers have been spread to many places, up to the corners of the road, but most of the main roads are protocols," Fikser said Tuesday (11/27).

According to Fikser, Tabebuya, who grew up in Surabaya, had several color variants. Among them yellow, pink, white, and finally, purple, which would have similarities with cherry blossoms.

The seeds of Tabebuya that flourished, said Fikser, came from the cultivation of flower growers who were at the Surabaya Seed Garden. However, the city government, he said, also provides it often to farmers in Malang and Kediri.

"We have those grown in the nursery, but sometimes we also take farmers in the towns of Malang and Kediri," he said.

Fikser said that the initial idea of ​​planting plants in Tabebuya could not be dissociated from the initiation of mayor Tri Rismaharini long before he took office, while he was chief. of service in Surabaya.

"The idea was coming from Mrs. Risma, while she was still head of the sanitation and green spaces office (DKRTH) of the city of Surabaya, not yet mayor," Fikser said.

Tabebuya flowers develop as a selfie event for residents of Surabaya Tabebuya flowers are called cherry blossoms. (Istockphoto / Mintkream)

According to him, little tabebuya had been planted at that time. This is only when in 2010, the government of Surabaya City began to seriously plant a number of species of trees and plants, along with rejuvenation of the green spaces of Surabaya.

The Tabebuya plantation, he said, was intended not only to enhance the beauty of the city of Surabaya, but also to provide a natural habitat for a variety of biota that depend on trees and trees.

Fikser said Tabebuya's flowering took place twice a year. This is around the beginning of the year, in April and towards the end of the year in November, as today.

But what is unique, said Fikser, is that the flowering of tabebuya in recent days is a unique phenomenon, because this flower usually grows during the dry season, not during the rainy season.

"It's unique in the rainy season, because when it's cloudy, the wind blows, making Surabaya romantic," he said with a laugh.


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