[ad_1] Redaktur: Ahmad Nugraha 19 menit yang lalu Juri Bicara KPK, Febri Diansyah INDOPOS.CO.ID – Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) kembali melakukan pemeriksaan kepada dua saksi kasus dugaan tindak pidana e-KTP di Gedung …
Read More »After being reviewed by KPK, the former Vice Chairman of Commission II stated that he did not know the budgeting of the E-KTP project Taufiq Effendi claimed to be questioned by the investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) about his relationship with two suspects of electronic identity card fraud, Irvanto Hendra Pambudi Cahyo and Made Oka Masagung
[ad_1] . 19659002] At the investigator, Taufiq admitted to not know and never met the two people. Taufiq today considered KPK for Irvanto and Oka Masagung. "(Asked) Know what baseball I've said …
Read More »After examination by KPK, the Executive Vice President of Commission II confessed to not knowing the budget of the E-KTP project Taufiq Effendi claimed to be questioned by the investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) about his relationship with two suspects of electronic identity card fraud, Irvanto Hendra Pambudi Cahyo and Made Oka Masagung
[ad_1] . 19659002] At the investigator, Taufiq admitted to not know and never met the two people. Taufiq today considered KPK for Irvanto and Oka Masagung. "(Asked) Know what baseball I've said …
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