Tasikmalaya flash flood victim – Regional Liputan6.com


Liputan6.com, Tasikmalaya – Five people from three sub-districts of Tasikmalaya Regency, in western Java, died of sudden floods that occurred Tuesday early this morning.

"The incident is estimated at around 1 am," said Herman Suherman, Tasikmalaya BPBD Task Force, after confirmation Liputan6.com, Tuesday (6/11/2018) night.

Heavy rains have fallen since Monday night, causing several rivers in the Tasikmaya region to overflow.

"About eight sub-districts report the occurrence of disasters ranging from floods, landslides to strong winds," he said.

Especially for the flood victims that were collected until this afternoon, about 7 people from Tasikmalaya were swept away. In detail, four people came from Culamega district, two residents of Cipatujah sub-district and one resident of Cikalong sub-district.

"The total deaths of five people, two more are still looking," added Herman.

In addition to the losses caused by the floods this morning, access to the Cipatujah Expressway towards Ciheras, Pameungpeuk and other areas of southern Garut has been totally paralyzed due to the 39, interruption of the Pasanggrahan bridge.

The areas affected by the floods were 20 houses in Kampung Kaum, Bantar Kalong village, Cipatujah district, and 50 in Kampung Cisalam, Ciandum, Kecamatan Cipatujah, until the afternoon is still inundated. .

Joshua Banjarnahor, spokesman for the Basra of West Java, added that the agency had immediately conducted a search around the Ciandum Bridge. "The Sar joint team managed to evacuate 2 victims who were dragged by the current," he said.

Apart from that, searches were also carried out around the Ciloje River in Cikalong District. Until now, the victim on behalf of Fajar Fian was still looking for joint officers.

To facilitate research, the agency built a post after the flood disaster near Ciandum Cipatujah bridge. "As a preliminary report, developments followed," he said in his written message.

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