Tencent Work on smart glasses like Snap Shows | INews Portal


BEIJING, iNews.id – Tencent, the largest technology company in China, made a pair of glbades on its own video recorder. These glbades have similarities with Snap Shows.

Tencent manufactures its own video recorder glbades, Weishi. These smart glbades have a front camera like the glbades, so you can record video.

Unlike first-generation glbades, Weishi sunglbades do not highlight the camera with a yellow ring. Instead, Weishi is all black.

Quote The edge, Monday (05/11/2018), the Weishi Tencent glbades have a name similar to that of the video application. However, Weishi's popularity is currently lagging behind TikTok, which dominates China's short video market and is a worldwide success.

The idea behind the release of glbades could not only be to allow users to save more videos on the application, but also to increase the popularity of the platform.

Weishi said The edge, the product has not been officially released, but it already has its own app on the App Store. For the specifications, said Weishi, the glbades will have an 8MP camera and can shoot in 720p or 1080p HD.

Weishi glbades are also able to take photos remotely, in powder mode, broadcast live, preview and download Weishi applications. Weishi glbades will be available on November 11th. This is the Alibaba Single Day, the largest commercial event that sells more units than Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday last year.

Publisher: Dini Listiyani

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