TGB withdraws from related support of Democrats in Jokowi


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Member of the Supreme Democratic Council of TGH Mohammed Zainul Majdi aka Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) resigned from the Democratic Party (PD).

The news of the resignation of Master Bajang is justified by the head of public relations and the legal division of the leader of the democratic party, Ferdinand Hutahaean, Monday (23/7)

"So the morning is busy the news from TGB and I confirmed Ferdinand told

Ferdinand said the resignation is related to the current political situation.

"We do not want to obstruct, let him

"TGB is the best cadre of the Democrats, and we respect that decision," he said.

TGB declared the support of Joko Widodo to advance to the elections of 2019. The decision of TGB, judged Ferdinand, preceded the decision of the Democratic party

the caisses to date have not yet determined the attitudes concerning the direction of support for the presidential election of 2019.


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