Thanks to the recognition of conformity, Designer Vivi Zubedi Support Nikita Mirzani Berhijab


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – His Migration Nikita Mirzani got support from many parties including one was designer Vivi Zubedi. It can be seen from the designer's Instagram uploader.

Yesterday, Tuesday (10/7), through her Instagram Instagram, Vivi Zubedi had posted the figure of a woman who was turning her back to the camera in black.

<img src = "" alt = "(Instagram) [19659004] (Instagram)

In post , Vivi Zubedi writes phrases about the desire to pick up the hijab tips. "Hidayah has greeted everyone who wanted to run after him, no matter who you are and what you do … there are many ways to get closer to Allah .. Do not be late to come to Allah when Allah is waiting for you and for all of us .. My shaa Allah tabarakallah .. That Allah always protects you ukhti, "he wrote Tuesday ( 10/7).



Today, Wednesday (11/7), Vivi Zubedi re-upload Instagram Story with the same person as in the previous post, and it turns out that this person is Nikita Mirzani who cursed the veil.In the post, the modest fashion designer also wrote his support for Nikita Mirzani's decision.

In the same post, Vivi Zubedi also reveals how he can become familiar with Nikita Mirzani and became the one who supported the decision of the mother of two children (Instagram) “/>


"It's the figure of the black suit woman who finally launches We can know because she wants to be together in the manner of God, my shaa Allah so beautiful religion of Allah . Can know herself because "obedience of friendship" to Allah .. She said "Vivi is the new me, the old me is dead" I was touched d & # 39; 39; hear that my shaa Allah Keep istiqomah Ukh my shaa Allah, "wrote the designer via Instagram Imports from History

(nda / wida)

Author Nanda Indri Hadiyanti [19659013] Edited by Wida Kriswanti

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