That's the mystery of Mars studied by Robot InSight


Jakarta – InSight robots made by NASA that landed on Mars are certainly not in fashion. He was expected to be there for about 24 months to try to discover the mystery of the formation of the red planet.

As quoted detikINET of ReutersNot only about Mars, the InSight research should also reveal the origin of rocky planets such as the Earth in the solar system.

Earth tectonics and other things have erased many early records of the planet. But it is thought that Mars, which is about a third of the Earth's size, remains largely static, creating a kind of geological time machine for scientists.

The main equipment of InSight is a French-made seismometer, designed to record even the smallest vibrations from an earthquake or the fall of a meteor on Mars.

Scientists estimate that about 100 earthquakes will occur as part of the InSight mission, which will provide them with data to determine the depth, density, and composition of the planet's core, its rocky surface, and its crust. .

"It's something we have not yet known, namely how many earthquakes occur there, how often and when they occur, what is the magnitude of the tremor of land, "said Renee Weber of NASA.

"Measuring the earthquake on Mars will provide information on the internal structure of Mars and hope to reveal more about the formation of the planet.Why is Mars smaller and of lower density than Earth and Venus?" Solar prevents the growth of Mars, "said Neil Bowles, a scholar at Oxford University.

The second important device worn by InSight is a kind of drill that can penetrate up to 5 meters underground. Made in Germany, this device is used to measure the heat flux of the planet Mars.

There is also a radio transmitter on InSight. The goal is to send a signal to track the rotation of Mars to determine the size of the planet's nucleus.

This InSight, as well as NASA's next mission, which is scheduled to take place the closest in 2020, will be the beginning of the human exploration plan in this region.

(fyk / krs)

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