The 212 divisions of the big meeting of the year of politics


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – A number of numbers former students 212 One by one, quit the movement and join the opposite camp or still do not specifically express their support. It is thought that this split is the result of the change of direction of the movement that was purely Islamic. practical policy.

More recently, the decision of the President of the Indonesian Muslim Brotherhood (Parmusi) Usamah Hisyam, who chose to resign from his position of Advisory Board Member of the Brothers of the Ancients (PA) 212.

The man who once played a role in the meeting of 212 former students with President Joko Widodo last April said he was disappointed with the AP 212. He felt that the spirit The defense of the religion that reigned during the action for the Islamic defeat of December 2, 2016 was blurred now. The Islamic movement, he said, is now contaminated by a practical policy. had the opportunity to meet Usamah yesterday at his office in the Jagakarsa region, south of Jakarta. After receiving guests and responding to several requests for television channel interviews, Usamah also revealed the division's fire in PA 212.

Usamah spoke of the initial enthusiasm of the SWT Allâh Law Enforcement Movement that had already been touched by former DKI Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok.

He said that Ahok had offended Indonesian Muslims by citing Al-Ma'idah v. 51, according to which Muslims were to be led by Muslim leaders.

"Murni found that the building spirit of the people's unity was to defend Al-Maidah's verse 51 about Muslim rulers – only one problem, not another, but only the defense of religion, "said Usamah.

General Chairman of Parmusi Usamah Hisyam, Jakarta, Tuesday (11/27).General Chairman of Parmusi Usamah Hisyam, Jakarta, Tuesday (11/27). (CNN Indonesia / Dhio Faiz)

Usamah said that at that time, 28 actions had been organized to seek justice for the blasphemy committed by Ahok. Usamah claimed to have to spend his own pocket to carry out these actions.

Then Parmusi also decided to take part in the Islamic Defense Action with several other mbad organizations led by Rizieq Syihab. Parmusi and other mbad organizations – who later became PA 212 – asked Ahok to report his words through legal channels.

As a result, Ahok was languishing in Mako Brimob Detention Center in Depok for two years after the panel of judges found him guilty in a blasphemy case.

After Ahok was in prison, he said, in fact, AP 212 had fulfilled its functions. However, the division began to occur.

At the beginning of 2018, there were at least three community organizations on behalf of alumni 212. There is a fraternity of 212 alumni under the direction of Slamet Ma 'arif, the Presidium Alumni 212 under the leadership of Aminuddin and Garda 212 under Ansufri Idrus Sambo.

The three have different directions. They even accused the other side of being illegal.

"Yes, they all want to generate enthusiasm as part of the unity of the people, they are themselves broken because of conflict of interests, "said Usamah.

The problems persisted in mid-2018. Shortly before the holding of the 2019 presidential election, the PA 212 held the Ulema Ijtak to discuss the direction to give to one of the candidates.

Party Chairman Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto, PAN Party President Zulkifli Hasan, PKS Syuro Chairman Salim Segaf Al Jufri, PKS President Sohibul Iman, UN President Yusril Ihza Mahendra, and Worker President Tomy Soeharto attended the Ijtima Ulama demonstration and national personalities. Menara Peninsula Hotel, Jakarta (7/27).Ijtimak Ulama brought together a number of national political figures in Jakarta (27 July). (CNN Indonesia / Hesti Rika)

At that time, the support leadership was almost certain for Prabowo, Usamah said. However, some groups insist on submitting Rizieq because they are considered to be more representative of the Islamic rulers of the kafah or are perfect under the Al-Maidah letter, verse 51.

Usamah and several personalities, such as Muslim preacher Bukhari, were not invited. They did not have access to the entrance in the form of a special identity card. Finally, they could not take part in the decision.

"Maybe I'm considered to have missed the decision to support Prabowo, so he was not invited," he said.

"But I am thankful not to bear sin, do not play, Ijtima is sacred, if someone makes a decision, his sin is derived, we use sharia," he said. added.

Prabowo's name came out twice after Ijtima. The former general commander of Kopbadus has defeated other big names, such as Rizieq Shihab, Yusril Ihza Mahendra and Zulkifli Hasan.

Usamah said that this again caused internal divisions 212. Some parties did not agree, finding that Prabowo did not comply with the spirit of 212, looking for Islamic leaders of the kafah.

"He said that the NKRI was sharia, that the approach of the NKRI was Sharia, appeared – the appearance of Prabowo, you know?" he said.

For him, Yusril is clearly more kafah because he runs an Islamic party that actually practices Islamic Sharia, or Rizieq, which he says is perfectly clear about Islam.

Usamah finally sent a letter of resignation to the president of AP 212, Slamet Maarif, on November 11th. He officially left the position of advisory member.

Despite his retirement, Usamah does not prohibit Parmusi members from participating in future actions. But now, the Parmusi elite will "disable engine support".

Usamah and others will not actively mobilize the mbades during the 212 event. He said Parmusi was running about five thousand preachers and about 2.5 million cadres.

With regard to political support, Parmusi has not specifically ordered its executives to choose one of the candidates, whether it is Jokowi-Ma's or Ruf's Prabowo-Sandi.

"Choose religious observers," said Usamah.

Not the first

Usamah Hisham was not the first to leave the Alumni's Brotherhood 212 arch. Some of the 212 elite names had already come out and even entered the incumbents.

Last May, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin left his colleagues from the 212 to join the palace. He has been appointed Senior Deputy Expert in Political Communication and Information Dissemination of the Office of the President's Staff (KSP).

The Golkar politician, turned speaker and pilot of the Islamic defensive action 212, even got another post, the PT Angkasa Pura I commissioners' council. Since then, Ngabalin has become the strongest person which strengthens Joko Widodo against opposition attacks and 212 old ones.

Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, former character of the 212 movement that is now part of the palace.Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, former character of the 212 movement that is now part of the palace. (CNN Indonesia / Kustin Ayuwuragil)

About two months later, Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Kapitra Ampera, also left the car 212. Kapitra arrived surprisingly at the PDIP, the party with which he had "fought" with the 212. He even became one of the PDIP candidates.

AT CNNIndonesia.comNgabalin said at that time that action 212 was out of context. Ahok as the main target was thrown in jail. He even sneered at Reunion 212 and, later, was more than a romanticism without essence.

"No more romanticism because there are more enemies.Ahok has always been announced.Now there is Mr. Ma'ruf Amin and Sandiaga Uno as vice-president. The President is Pak Jokowi and Pak Prabowo All Muslims are obedient, no problem, Said Ngabalin on Tuesday (11/27).

Contacted separately, Kapitra made the same statement. Motion 212, he said, is over when Ahok has been found guilty.

He considered that the movement of the 212 former students had deviated from its original spirit, namely the protection of the blasphemy case of Ahok.

"At that time, we were grateful, the law was applied because at that time, on November 30, she had been delegated to the court." Action 212 was grateful to the president for not obstructing the cause, " said Kapitra by phone at

Kapitra pouted at the meeting that would only take place to celebrate the crimes of others. Even though Ahok was responsible for his actions by submitting to legal proceedings.

He should, he says, the Muslims learn to forgive him. Kapitra said that God had taught Islam to forgive the mistakes of others.

Former activist 212 Kapitra Ampera who is now a candidate for the IDP.Former activist 212 Kapitra Ampera who is now a candidate for the IDP. (CNN Indonesia / Hesti Rika)

"How is it that there is no excuses from us? What is its violence. There is no Islam for the sake of it? to teach, "added Kapitra.

Usamah dared to say that the upcoming meeting was probably not accompanied by personalities at the beginning of the fight. He stated that this prediction considering that the religious defense movement had been involved in practical politics.

"I think there are many ulema who will not join anymore. Check the initial numbers [gerakan 212] like Yusuf Mansur, Bachtiar Nasir, Aa Gym, Arifin Ilham, is not it? ", did he declare.

Jokowi camp

In addition, the spokesman of the Bamukmin publication 212 on PA 212 denied everything that Osama had said. Novel said he was more and more convinced that Usamah had "caught a cold".

The DKP's legislative candidate at the DKI said that Usamah had shown his identity as a pro-Jokowi person. This, says the novel, has been seen since Usamah bridged Jokowi and 212.

"We already know that Usamah has a relationship with Jokowi, I think Usamah is harder in the fight for the defense of Islam, he turns out that he prefers religious groups, "said Novel in a short message to

Novel says that Osama's withdrawal does not affect Parmusi's support for 212. He also claimed that Usamah's decision would not divide AP 212.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslims followed the 212 actions taken in the Monas area and at the horse statue roundabout in Jakarta on December 2, 2016.Action 212 in the Monas area and roundabout with horse statue, Jakarta, December 2, 2016. (CNN Indonesia / Sapphire Makki)

"With the resignation of Usamah, we have become more solid in our struggle and Usamah has no followers in the PA 212," he said.

Regarding the status of the resignation of Usamah, Novel still calls it in progress at PA 212.

The AP 212 general chairman, Slamet Maarif, said that he had received Osama's resignation letter. Rizieq Shihab, as administrator Dewam, and Amien Rais, as an advisory council, must discuss the letter.

"Later, there will be a special meeting,waiting until the end of the meeting. Waiting [Usamah] just switch it off, "said Slamet.

(dhf / arh)

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