The Alligator who made the crazy Jakarta Dead One, 2 other mysterious


  Crocodile makes impressive Jakarta Dead One, 2 other mysterious Photos: Matthew Alfons / detikcom

Crocodile making a scene Jakarta has just found a tail. While the existence of two other tail is still mysterious.

According to the residents' report, there are three crocodiles seen in the Grogol River, West Jakarta. The three crocodiles have different sizes, namely 2.5 meters, 1.5 meters and about 1 meter.

Crocodile measuring about 1 meter found, stopped by residents of the Roxy area, West Jakarta, Friday (29/6) yesterday. The crocodile is dead. The carcbad was delivered to BKSDA DKI today, Saturday (30/6).

And what about the other two crocodiles?

"Our friends say from this morning until now have never appeared, unlike the first day, Well, we can not be sure if this has moved what is not, but if 3 or 4 days have not appeared, it may mean that the crocodiles have moved, "says BKSDA leader DKI Ahmad Munawir, Jl Latumenten, West Jakarta, Saturday (30/6/2018).

  Crocodile that was seen in Kali Grogol Crocodile that was seen in Kali Grogol (Photo: TMC Polda Metro Quay Jaya Metro)

It seems that the alleged crocodile has left the area of ​​West Jakarta because more reports of the appearance of the reptile.In fact, the officers tried to find the crocodiles (19459012) "The problem is that the tides are ups and downs, so when you can tidy up, you can not do anything . cloudy and tend to be black, so we can not do it anyway, "said commentator Munawir.

Munawir explains that some ways to catch crocodiles have been made." D & # 39; first fish with chickens, fish, meat, it was done. Today, we are installing it, but it is not yet effective, we are making efforts with the net, but our nets can not hold back yesterday ".

  Attempts to attract crocodiles with chickens Attempt to fish crocodiles with chickens (Rifkianto Nugroho / detikcom)

Although two other crocodiles have not yet been found, the search is stopped. officer keeps track of the possibility that the crocodile appears, but the search is suspended indefinitely

"If we do not appear, 3, 4 days to 12 days do not appear, then (Crocodile) has moved, "Head of Section 2 BKSDA DKI Jakarta, Bambang Yudi, told reporters at the research post, Jl Latumenten, West Jakarta, Saturday (30/06/2018).

(tor / rjo)

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