The announcement of SBMPTN 2018 Tuesday at 17:00 WIB


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Tuesday (3/7) The Joint Selection Committee of State Universities (SBMPTN) will announce the results of the selection.

Reported on the official website of SBMPTN, the announcement will be released at 17:00 WIB.

Participants can view the SBMPTN announcement on the SBMPTN official website and on the mirror page of 12 state universities (PTN).

In addition, participants can also view the results of SBMPTN on page

College is still a prima donna high school students. This is evident from the number of SBMPTN participants over 806,001 students from all over Indonesia.

According to Ravik Karsidi, Chair of the SBMPTN 2018 Committee, on all participants, they are divided into three categories: science and technology or scientific (341,140 participants), social law or soshum (359,140 participants) and mixed (159,571 participants).

"Out of all the 2018 SBMPTN candidates, the regular participants are 672,816 participants and the 187,187 participants from Bidikmisi," said Ravik, quoted by between some time ago.

According to the data obtained there are five universities that have the highest number of enthusiasts. The University of Indonesia is leading with 52,591 enthusiasts. Second, there is the University Gajah Mada (UGM) with 49,095 fans.

Then followed the Padjadjaran University (Unpad) with the interest of 44,138 participants. While the fourth and fifth positions are occupied by Universitas Brawijaya and Hasanuddin University. Each has 36,486 enthusiasts and 35,253 participants.

Listen to the announcement of the SBMPTN from 2018 to [1945909] (chs)

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