The best time to give breast milk to premature babies – VIVA


VIVA – Babies born prematurely tend not to have enough maturity in their organs. This forces the mother to pay special attention to the nutritional requirements of bad milk (ASI).

In general, mothers who give birth to premature babies tend to feel stressed and confused. Although this condition should be avoided because it can trigger the inhibition of the production of bad milk needed by premature babies.

"This milk can be produced when the mother's brain tries to give it to the baby.If the mother is stressed, commentsit will be negative for the brain, "said Dr. Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, SpA (K), neonatologist at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), at the launch of the book ASI for premature babies in Menteng, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 28, 2018.

In the meantime, the condition of premature babies must also be stabilized in the first place. Thus, direct badfeeding will be very rare, as the baby's sucking reflex is also insufficient.

"Well, here is the role of health workers in helping quiet mothers milk milk.It does not need to be much, bad milk needed for newborns, let alone premature, the intestines also can not receive a lot of milk, "he said.

Rina suggested that the mother's milk milking process be carried out immediately by the mother, once the condition of the premature baby stabilized. So, when the baby's condition is ready, the milk he needs is available.

"Simply apply the milk that was milk to the premature baby, so that the period period of gold baby is not lost. If this period pbades, then it will be difficult to get out of ASI, "he said.

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