– 31 inmates of Clbad II A narcotic prison in Doyo, Waibu District, Jayapura District, Papua, fled Sunday morning (22/7). "The initial report of 25 inmates escaped, but after review and investigation, 31 inmates escaped," said Jayapura Police Chief, AKBP Victor Mackbon, in Sentani, Jayapura District, cited by Antara.
Victor explained that the 31 detainees escaped through the 1.1 cenderawasih block by penetrating the lattice wind. Then the trellis is used as a ladder to cross the barrier
"The total number of detainees who escaped 31 people, two of whom were captured by police officers detained by Mr. Sofian and Denis Oray," he said. the other detainees are still in pursuit of police officers and the officer of Doyo Narcotics Prison
Police have already asked the team to conduct investigations around the Narcotics Prison. Then, with the prison officer pursuing the escaped prisoner
Police will also establish a security post at the back of the Narcotics Prison. "Let the police and the guards carry out checks on all the residents of the prisons," he said.
Police asked 23 inmates to surrender. "If he does not surrender, the police and guards will take firm action," he said.
The prisoners were fleeing, according to him, because of the negligence of the officer or not yet uncertain. The police are still investigating. Up to now Narcotics Kalapas Doyo Basuki Wijoyo can not be confirmed related to the escape of 25 prisoners. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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