The Chairman of the REIT's Legal Body Regrets the Lawyer Rizieq Nyaleg PDIP


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The head of the Islamic Advocates Front (FPI) Sugito Atmo Pawiro does not expect one of Rizieq Shihab's FPI lawyers, Kapitra Ampera, to be appointed as a Legislative Member by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (IDP).

"It is indeed his right [Kapitra] but we do not expect his choice to be PDIP," Sugito said Tuesday (17/7).

Sugito lamented Kapitra's movement as a PDIP candidate, because he has different views from the FPI or the National Fatwa Guards Movement (GNPF)

"Personally and President of the Legal Body from the FPI I regret, "said Sugito.

Sugito stated that the REIT's legal body had never heard of Kapitra's appointment as Rizieq's attorney.

"I do not know who of GNPF, it could be a legal advisor through GNPF, that we are grateful for the support of Kapitra Rizieq to the media," he said. . Habib Rizieq did not comment on the news of Kapitra's candidacy through IDP

"I contacted Habib, but I did not answer," he said. "Everything is waiting Habib Rizieq."

The news of Kapitra's candidacy was revealed by PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto. Hasto said, Kapitra will run as a legislative candidate in the 2019 election in the West Sumatra constituency

"Yes, as we have said, our dialogue with the people of West Sumatra really desires a bridge linking PDIP, so that the nominees "Hasto said while his party made a rigorous selection before registering any one as a candidate."

Kapitra himself didn 't spoke directly of the scenes of this IDP He only claimed to have not even met Hasto

Kapitra baderted that as long as he had never been in the circle For Kapitra, dedication to society and the Ummah is in the seriousness of intentions wherever it is.

He also appreciates whether there is a society from West Sumatra as a Member of Parliament [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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