The Constitutional Court has questioned the difference in the content of a new lawsuit of the presidential threshold

[ad_1] – The Constitutional Court (MK) today opened a preliminary hearing on the judicial review of Law No. 7 of 2017 on General Elections. This lawsuit was brought by 12 applicants who reviewed Article 222 of the nomination for the presidential threshold.

The constitutional justices demanded that the applicants designate a new constitutional question. The reason is, of the 12 candidates who proposed against the article quo

"I also want to point out one thing to prove the reason, actually mentioned in the law of the event n? is not just an excuse, but a new constitutional reason. there is, there is always a constitutional argument attributed to this, "said Judge I Dewa Gede Palguna, in the courtroom, Jakarta Tuesday (2/7).

He also asked the plaintiff to make the matrix of the previous trial with which today is filed.Therefore there is a difference of new constitutional reasons. "To clarify the difference between this plea and the previous plea," said Palguna

one of the applicants in case No. 49 / PUU / XVI / 2018, Hadar Nafis Gumay, stated that Article 222 (19659003) "Article 222 is the addition of the terms, not the ordinances, so that this is contrary to our constitution, "said Hadar.

The former KPU commissioner saw the existence of the a threshold, clearly reducing the space change.Where is the essence of the presidential election

"For example, a new party that did not exist in the previous election has no place to nominate a candidate, and then with a presidential threshold, there are potentially only two candidates. Hadar explained.

Meanwhile, one of the other applicants, Titi Anggraini, who is also director of Perludem, explained that the existence of Article 222 clearly reduced the constitutional principle in the Constitution. "We affirm the unknown threshold in our constitution and not an open legal policy, not an open but closed policy policy, so we encourage the nomination of candidates and vice presidents in accordance with the constitution," he concluded.

Previously, January 2018, the Constitutional Court rejected the test of material on the limits of the Presidate in. Judge Anwar Usman recalled that one of the important substances of the amendment of the 1945 Constitution is the strengthening of the presidential system of government.

This substance, said Anwar, is one of five important political agreements unanimously accepted by all factions. before making amendments to the 1945 Constitution.

In addition, he said, the strengthening of the presidential system also has other meanings in the socio-political context. Other meanings, he continued, relate to the diversity or plurality of Indonesian society in various aspects, the presidency and the vice presidency or the presidential institution.

Similarly, Judge Adam Wahiduddin parties have identical or similar platforms, visions or coalition ideologies to nominate the president and vice-president. "To hope that in the future a permanent coalition is born, in the long term, we expect a simplification of the party".

Reporter: Putu Merta Surya Putra

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