The daughter of Anggun C Sasmi is now Gede, Rupawan as Princess, Here are the pictures

[ad_1] – Anggun Cipta Sasmi has many fanatical fans in Indonesia.

Although no longer domiciled in Indonesia, its activity is often followed by Indonesian citizens.

Therefore, many are still curious about Anggun's personal life until now.

One of them is to pay attention to the princess of Anggun who has never shown her face in social media.

Anggun divorced in 2006 with Olivier Maury pursuing his domestic life with the French writer Cyril Montana.

Since the marriage Anggun gave birth to their first daughter named Kirana Cipta Montana Sasmi on November 8, 2007.

Although his home with Cyril broke up and Anggun has remarried with Christian Kretschmar.

The princess is happy to live with her stepfather.

According to the photos seen on Anggun's social media account, Kirana still remains covered in his face.

Now he gets taller by overtaking his mother.


Anggun frees the princess to learn all that she likes.

Music like his mother, cooking or photography.

Instagram / anggun_cipta
Instagram / anggun_cipta ()

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