Today, Pkl. 17:40 WIB • Viewed 19 times • http://www.mdn.biz.id/o/42334/
Medanbisnisdaily.com – Jakarta – Cuitan daughter of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu (GKR) Hayu about ridiculous' plebeian & # 39; against his viral in social media. He did not think that the short story that he shared seemed to be the public's focus on the importance of the value of manners
"I also wonder why, why retweet so much," says Hayu during his meeting at Panca Building Gatra Lemhanas, Jl. Kebon Sirih, Jakarta center, Sunday (1/7/2018).
Hayu tells the viral event. Originally, he wanted to cross Plaza Senayan in Senayan City and badisted by a security guard. When he was crossed, Hayu thanked the security guard.
"There is a security guard at the taxi stand, at the end of the road, (and) at the crossing point, there are 4 (security guards), yes just thanks AJA, from PS to center spell plebeian), yes I started to hear aja Yes yarin aja lah, "he said.
Kraton's daughter Cuitan was retweeted up to 15,000 times and receives over 500 comments. The story was shared Hayu via his Twitter account (GKRHayu) on Saturday (30/6).
"Cross Senayan Square in senayan city, ngucapin" Thank you sir "the same as every guard who nyebrangin.Because the gang in the back, bisik2 ngatain plebeian .. It's called manners my fren, es- you raised by wolves ???, "cooked Hayu, seen AFP on Sunday (1/7/2018).
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