The dilemma of the chief of police, the rank of Kombes Bejibun in Polri – VIVA


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VIVA – The head of the national police, General Tito Karnavian, is promoting a number of Polri middle managers. The promotional parade was held in Rupatama Mabes Polri, Jakarta, on Tuesday, July 3, 2018.

In this event, 39 officers were promoted from the post of Deputy Commissioner of Police (AKBP) to the Grand Commissioner (Kombes). In his speech, Tito says a bit about his anxiety in terms of promoting the rank of the police.

"We apologize that the average average rank of 1984, 1985 and 1986 of this vestige is top-top in its clbad ] [grue] which always rises to the top.So (officer) who is in the years 1990 and up is a middle rank that the spirit of good work, I am the same Pak Wakapolri is in a dilemma, "Tito said in his speech.

Tito said, at this time, there is an explosion of the number of Kombes-grade officers in the Bhayangkara Corps.At present, there are about 1,300 officers who take the rank of Kombes.

"The Sespimti is 400-500 people , the star (Brigadier Pol) if the pension is not more than 4 to 5 people a month, "he said.] 19659007] For this, said Tito, the police will develop the company. organization to provide positions for Kombes officers In addition, Tito also plans to extend the period of service of the intermediate officers. 9659008] "The measures we have taken to accommodate the explosion in the number of kombes are to curb the promotion by extending the service period from Kompol to AKBP, AKBP to Kombes. promoted) is lucky because it will brake, "said Tito.

Not only that, the development of posting organizations outside the police has also been developed. "Pak Budi Waseso told me one day that we had raised the BNNP 's head all over Indonesia, which allowed a general a star to be raised, as well as to be raised. other organizations we are raising a star, "said Tito

. also dedicates how the dilemma of himself who wants to raise the rank of seniors as a reward. However, according to him, many juniors also have a very good performance.

If later the Kombes raised the rank of a general of a star, he also asked to be ready to be placed anywhere. "But I want to ask the police chief and Wakapolda to make me dizzy as Pak Wakapolri," he said.

Finally, congratulate the members who promoted Kombes. He also asked members who promoted good work. "It's not easy to be a Kombes, it's good to be a good Kombes, do not think that when the stars can still be seniors," has-not- he says. (mus)

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