The eruption of Mount Agung, these 4 facts are surprising

[ad_1] – One of the Indonesian volcanoes located on the island of Bali, namely Mount Agung, erupted on Monday, July 2, 2018 yesterday. Suddenly, people panic around the slopes of Mount Agung and choose to flee to safer places.

The starry night sky suddenly blushed when the lava was lowered near the dwellings of the Agung people. Even as a result of a 2-kilometer flood, the surrounding forest was burned. ash columns with intense intensity at 21:04 pm It is more to the west.

The eruption is recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 24 mm and a duration of about 7 minutes 21 seconds. At that time, the status of Mount Agung set the level III or Standby

In fact, what causes the return of Mount Agung? Here are some facts revealed when the mountain as high as 31142 masl was again spewed with incandescent lava for the umpteenth time on the Island of the Gods.

1. Alami Erupsi 6 Kali

majestic mountain 2018

According to information from the Center for Volcanology and Mitigation of Geological Hazards (PVMBG), Gunung Agung erupted three times on Monday, July 2, 2018 The first eruption occurred at 6:19 pm with a column height of ash observed at 2,000 meters above the summit. This eruption is recorded in the seismogram with a maximum amplitude of 18 mm and a duration of 3 minutes 47 seconds

The second eruption occurred at 06.41 Wita and 06.55 Wita with the height of each column of ashes observed up to 40 minutes. at 1,000 meters and 700 meters above the summit Agung. The next eruption of Mount Agung was recorded on each seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 18 mm and 20 mm, duration of 2 minutes 11 seconds and 2 minutes 38 seconds.

At 9:04 pm, Gunung Agung broke out again. The eruption is recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 24 mm and a duration of about 7 minutes 21 seconds. The eruption was produced Strombolian with a sound that slammed.

On the second day, Tuesday, July 3, 2018, Gunung Agung broke up twice. The first eruption occurred at 09:28 Wita with the height of the ash column observed at 2,000 meters above the summit of Mount Agung. The second eruption, at 21:46. Mount Agung again erupted with the altitude of the ash column observed 500 meters above the summit of the mountain. This eruption is recorded in the seismogram with a maximum amplitude of 18 mm and a duration of 1 minute 7 seconds.

The fourth eruption took place today, Wednesday (07/04/2018), at 3:25 pm. A gray lava eruption 2,000 meters high with a gray intensity leads to the west.

2. The cause of Mount Agung Erupsi


Great Mountain 2018

Despite three eruptions, according to the Chief of the East Volcanic Mitigation Division of the Volcanology Center and of Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) Devy Kamil Syahbana, there is no indication of a significant increase in seismic energy.

The cause of the Strombolian Eruption of Mount Agung is probably due to the hardening of the lava on the surface. This condition is widespread because lava on the surface tends to decrease in temperature. As the magmatic liquid flow (gas and liquid) that rises into the crater in the hardened lava, the layer can no longer withstand the pressure of the magma from below. 19659005] 3. Aman Ray of Exposure to Mount Agung

Majestic Mountain 2018

The status III or Alert given to Mount Agung does that PVMBG parties recommend that people living around the slopes not be active danger zone. Especially for those who settle in the vicinity of the water courses that originated on Mount Agung. To be aware of the threat of lava flows that may occur.

So also with climbers and tourists. No activity should be within 4 kilometers of the summit crater of Mount Agung

. Guyuran Abu Go to Jember

majestic mountain 2018

Impact of the eruption of Mount Agung, volcanic ash was also felt by locals of the regency of Jember, East Java. By the local BPBD, thousands of masks are distributed by the community

Call to use masks when traveling outside the house by the local government, so residents do not suffer from breathing problems [19659003] "Outside the house and on the outside, because volcanic ash can endanger health," said Heru Widagdo, head of the Disaster and Logistics Division of the Regional Agency of Disaster Management (JBBD), Jember (3/7/2018). 19659005] Look at the full selection of videos below:

Indonesia has a lot of active volcanoes to date. Therefore, this kind of event is already very reasonable. That the Balinese in particular are always patient and vigilant

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