The facts behind the high school students' paralysis in Mojokerto after Squat Jump 90 times


Mas Hanum Dwi Aprilia, a student of SMAN 1 Gondang Mojokerto, suspected of having paralysis due to a death sentence, was referred to the regional general hospital Prof Dr Soekandar Mojosari, Mojokerto regency, after two days of treatment in alternative medicine Sangkal Putung. 19659002] This is because until yesterday there was no significant development on the condition of Hanum after being suspected of having the gagguan movement function in both legs. Together with the family members and caregivers of Pondok Pesantren Al Ghois, Hanum arrived using an ambulance from the Gondang Public Health Center around 10:00 WIB

Students from Krian, Sidoarjo undergo direct preliminary examination at the Emergency installation (IGD). "We are referring to the hospital to see the medical history of patients," said Dr. Nunun Agung, head of Puskesmas Gondang, Saturday (21/7/2018).

Meanwhile, Rika Ekawati, RSUD Prof Dr Prof. Dr. Soekandar, explained: perform a number of medical checks and actions at Hanum. To find out the exact cause, the doctor did a radiological examination and a laboratory examination. "We also talked about a neurologist," he said.

He mentioned that students from Pondok Pesantren Al Ghoits, village / district of Gondang, were photographed in four parts of his body suspected of being injured. Among other chest or bones of the chest, then the femur or thigh, lumbosacral or vertebral and pelvis or hip bone

"For more we still do it" observation, "he said. always within normal limits. However, both feet of the patient still have trouble moving. "The patient's legs are still weak, not strong enough to be displaced," he said.

Now students of clbad XI IPS 2 SMAN 1 Gondang must be hospitalized in the Padjajaran area. For more action pending the results of the examination of a specialist neurologist. "If necessary, Hanum must also undergo a CT scan so that Dr. RS Soetomo Surabaya will be referred," he said.

While Sugiono, Hanum's father said, he was very struck by the conditions of his daughter. He also regretted the existence of sanctions in the form of physical punishment suffered by his son a week ago in school.

Quite simply because extracurricular activities (ekkul) were happening too late, Hanum had to endure about 90 times the jump of his exclusive friends. The treatment would have caused her son an injury and would have ended up unable to walk.

"He should be eliminated by such punishment (squat jump), especially the execution of religious fields, why there is a physical punishment". sanctions applied to the Unit of Islamic Spiritual Activities (UKKI). "For the sake of the cost of care, her daughter already has a JKN-KIS BPJS Health Clbad III card.However, Sugiono still asks for the responsibility of the school." At least this is done by monitoring the development of the Child to improve, "he said.

Previously, Hanum had undergone alternative treatment for lack of of expenses.

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