JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com– Officials from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, in cooperation with the fire and rescue services of North Jakarta, have almost captured a crocodile appeared in Grogol River, in the west of Jakarta , Wednesday (27/6/2018).
However, the effort has failed because people watching the evacuation of crocodiles have been bombarding stones.
"The latest information was conducted at the water gate when the capture process, cast (rock) the same community, return to the interior," said the Department's Biodiversity Conservation Branch of the Environment and Widodo Forests.
See also: The PPSU officer has repeatedly seen the appearance of Crocol Crocodile
These conditions make the arrest process that took place since Wednesday afternoon should be done again from scratch. According to reports from residents, there are three crocodiles in the Grogol River.
The agents again pulled the three crocodiles with a meat bait tied in a rope. The officers had difficulty evacuating because of the thickness of the mud at that time, which meant that the officer's fast ship could not reach the crocodile that the ship had. place had known.
Widodo said that the arrest would be stopped at 21:00 or when the activity of the crocodile would have been halted at that time. The search will resume Thursday morning.
Separately, Indra Exploitasia, Director of Biodiversity Conservation, asked the community not to disrupt the evacuation done by the officers.
Read also: Crocodile danger signs to install in the Grogol River
"It's okay, that (the citizens) want to disperse, later we'll come back nangkap clear first, yes, says Indra.
Early Wednesday, some residents saw the appearance of crocodiles in the Grogol River, west of Jakarta. The appearance of the crocodile is seen several times from 10:00 to 14:00.
Compbad TV Related research of crocodiles that appear in the waters of Jakarta Bay, Ditpoloair continues to patrol.
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