The fate of the mayor of Makassar after Keok Vs Kotak Kosong – VIVA


Pilkada in Makbadar, South Sulawesi, will be repeated if indeed the results of the official vote show the only candidate in the party's democracy loses votes from empty squares or columns.

The results of the fast count or in the Mayor election of Makbadar indicate up to here the pair Munafri Arifuddin-Andi Rahmatika Dewi lost the empty box

The pair caught about 46% of the votes while that the empty box was supported by about 53% of the votes, according to quick accounts until Wednesday (27/06) local time of night. The Electoral Commission (KPU), Pramono Ubaid Tanthowi, said that if only one candidate was lost in the elections, the election should be repeated.

"Elections in the region will be included in the next election simultaneously". in unison is in 2020.

Since only one candidate is defeated, he will be appointed an official who will govern the government in the region, until it is held again [19659004] Two candidates participated in elections in Makbadar, but Mohammad Ramdhan's pair Pomanto-Indira Mulyasari was declared dead

The Petahana couple, among others, declared "abuse of power in the nomination process"

The KPU said that there were 16 elections in 2018 followed by empty boxes. – EPA

The defeated candidate by this empty box is still allowed to advance to the next elections

"This will be a new pilkada, with a new power card, because the system is based on the results of the 2019 elections. .. so candidate the losers (in the 2018 elections) are still allowed to go from the front, "said Pramono

The KPU says that there are 16,2018 elections followed by empty boxes. [19659004] Pramono explains the empty boxes provided on the ballot to give the widest (19659005) "The people can not be forced to vote or accept a pair of candidates … voters will have the right to

The KPU includes a white box after a Constitutional Court decision on a single candidate Pilkada

Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo said that empty boxes and failures of only one candidate surpbaded have empty boxes and were part of the democratic process.

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