The father of the Pasuruan bomb victims chooses to escape the mind of his child


PASURUAN, – U (3 years ago called 6 years old), son of a bomb-owner who exploded in Pogar, Bangil, Pasuruan, was injured in several parts of his body. This type of explosive bomb exploded Thursday afternoon (07/05/2018).

While U's mother with the initials D had visited his son at the RSDU Bangil Pasuruan before bringing police officers for interrogation.

According to RSUD Bangil Public Relation, the second son of the owner of the initials A bomb (formerly called Abdullah) received intensive care in the emergency room

She does not distinguish in the service, but provides the 39, help as usual medical treatment. He suffered facial wounds, ripped his right and left wrists and tore his thighs, then went to Bhayangkara Polda Jatim hospital, "he said. explained

Also read: The victims of childhood explosion in Bangil Pasuruan returned to Bhayangkara Hospital

Before being referred, some hospitalized people also know if the patient saw his mother, D. However, the visit of the patient does not last the course of inspection by police officers.

Separately, the Inspector General of the East Java police, General Machfud Arifin, also said that the bombers were also shot and wounded and left his wife and son who was wounded. 19659009] "The concerned person suffered a gun injury to the firearm at the time of the shooting. Attack on Kapolsek, he also left his son injured in the thigh and his wife survived, the perpetrators are still being prosecuted, "he said Thursday.

While until the previous night, the conditions at the scene of the explosive bombs in the rented house A are now still being monitored, even though the field investigation is over. Police: Three explosions in Pasuruan come from the bomb

Previously, head of East Java Police Public Relations Kombes Frans Barung (19659004)

Previously, Head of Public Affairs East Java Police Kombes Frans Barung Mangera pointed out that three explosions that occurred in a rented house on Jalan Papaya RT 007 / RW 001 Pogar Bangil, Pasuruan, East Java, Thursday (5/7/2018), came from the bomb.

"From the results of the crime scene, this (19459006) or weak explosion we still identify," said Frans in an interview with KompasTV.

] Kompas TV The explosion of alleged bombs shocked the inhabitants of Pogar Bangil, Pasuruan, East Java

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