SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com – The regent of Purbalingga dissuaded Tasdi to express his gratitude for the capture operation performed on him. OTT told Tasdi two and a half years after his appointment as Regent.
"We thank the KPK, and thanks to this incident we were crushed, so thank you," said Tasdi after a hearing in the Semarang corruption court Wednesday (28 / 11/2018).
In addition, Tasdi claimed that the KPK's efforts to drag him out now could make him learn not to make similar mistakes in the future.
He admitted that his actions had ordered and accepted a number of bribes and gratuities as mistakes.
"I was wrong and I am responsible for this, so before the trial in the afterlife, I was first judged in the world, so reduce sin," he said. he added.
Read also: Reasons why Hadi Lari is the victim of KPK attacks in transnational corruption cases in Purbalingga
In this case, Tasdi claimed that he did not benefit from bribes or gratuities. All the efforts made to fulfill his political promises for his party are sheltered.
Tasdi said the corruption and gratuities he had received did not meet his personal needs. Everything is done for the interests of the region and the interests of the party.
According to him, this represents a risk when the regional chief simultaneously badumes the functions of party chairman at the regional level.
"To date, I do not enjoy any money, including (contribution fees) from Pak Utut, Mr. Ganjar and others." We thank the KPK for braking ", a- he added.
"I thank the KPK, I appreciate it, if there is no KPK, this practice will continue," he concluded.
See also: After the corruption case session, the non-active Tasdi at the Purbalingga Regency shows Salam Metal
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