The game flow is the future


Jakarta – The development of gaming technology is improving. The game industry is at the origin of the trend of streaming games, which, according to Ubisoft, is the future of games.

The idea of ​​streaming games comes from the desire to eliminate hardware limitations. Due to streaming, everything will be supported by the cloud.

A good example that has been implemented is Steam Link. With Steam Link, players can play games on their computers and smartphones.

Here's what Ubisoft's CEO, Yves Guillemot, says that streaming games will be the future of the video game industry. "What we dream of is a technology that will allow us to broadcast our games on all future TVs, mobile phones and tablets, and we give our brand the full opportunity to reach 2, 5 billion players in five years, "he said, citing of Ubergizmo Sunday (1/7/2018).

Not only targeting 2.5 billion players, With streaming this game, he even has confidence can penetrate 5 billion players in 10 years.According to him, Ubisoft is very excited about the new opportunities.

"And another thing to remember is that he can use a great server to create games we had never dreamed of before, "he concluded. (rns / rns)

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