The government gives priority to the diaspora So CPNS, how do the quotas?


Jakarta – The government will open a priority line for the diaspora or the nation of children with a career abroad in the selection of vacancies for civil servants (CPNS) 2018.

how much is prepared for this diaspora line? 19659002] Head of the Legal Bureau, Communication and Public Information Ministry of MIRRB Mudzakir said for the moment that he continues to coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the calculation of specific training for the diaspora

" The diaspora has yet to coordinate data and validation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "he said detikFinance Jakarta, Friday (13/7/2018).

He said that his side also still can not estimate the diaspora views related to this plan. More importantly, said Mudzakir, this year the government can pay attention to the diaspora to return to the country and serve the country. "The point is the attention of PAN-RB Minister (Asman Abnur) to the diaspora to become a civil servant.The exact number of new known as it was at the time of registration," did he says.

As is known, the plan to open a CPNS of vacancies by giving priority to this new diaspora was first made.The previous year, the government also opened a number of priority channels such as disabled people to sons and daughters of Papua

With the addition of this priority line, the selection of CPNS 2018 which will soon be open will become more interesting. of the diaspora, the government still opens the priority route for other categories. (fdl / zlf)

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