The governor of Banten called financial aid for DKI Kecil, governor of DKI Bantah


JAKARTA, – The governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, denied the budget that had been disbursed in the less buffering areas. He baderted that the budget for financial aid is not small in value.

"What Jakarta Capital City has awarded is not small in number," said Anies at the Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta, Monday (2/7/2018). APBD 2018 there is a budget of 269 billion rupees for 12 buffer regions members of the Jabodetabekjur Development Cooperation Agency (BKSP). He said that the budget for each region is already there

"Of course there is a part, there is indeed a part of Jakarta, there are parts of the region and the center, so we also respect l & # 39; arrangement ". Wahidin Halim said that DKI Jakarta provincial government grants are still lacking. According to Wahidin, the area that has become a buffer like the city of Tangerang, has a heavy burden. The floods that often hit Tangerang, according to Wahidin, caused by the regulations of citizens working in Jakarta.

Also read: Jakarta financial badistance to municipal partners Rp 100 billion valued

Wahidin said for the treatment of floods, the normalization of the river, the construction of lakes and setu, to reconstruction.

"Rp 2.5 trillion should be," said Wahidin.

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