The infant brain tumor of the artist Marcella Zalianty, it is 6 made of rare brain tumors


It is from 2014 that the second child of Macella Zalianty was convicted of a brain tumor

Magali was then in a comatose and anxious state for Marcella

Magali was diagnosed with a tumor. (19659002) But Wednesday (26/06) yesterday, Magali was sick again.

In fact, the condition has improved after performing various procedures, Live Streaming Trans TV Round 16 2018 World Cup: Open France vs Argentina

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Hal this is known to put Happy Salma online on his instagram story.

With a history of the disease is quite dangerous, it is not surprising that many people suspect the brain tumor returns

Reportage City of Hope page, there are some facts g brain tumors rarely known to people.

1. In general, people with average brain tumors have a survival of 34.2%

2. Brain tumors are the second leading cause of cancer deaths among people under 20 years of age and the leading cause of death for people under 14 years of age.

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