The institute of the invalid investigation could be the hoax spreader – VIVA


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VIVA – Party Vice President Gerindra Fadli Zon is reluctant to believe the results of a quick survey of some studies that show the Sudrajat couple – Ahmad Syaikhu lost to Ridwan Kamil – Uu Ruzhanul Ulum in the election of Gubernur West Java 2018. Fadli has questioned their methodology.

"I think more great shamans than investigation agencies, and the meraka (investigative agencies) can be considered a widespread hoax so you know," said Fadli in Parliament, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, June 29, 2018. [19659004] In fact, the deputy speaker of the House is of the opinion that there should be a party who supervises and punishes if their calculations are wrong. Fadli considered investigative institutions as political tools for the interests of certain parties.

"And if they make mistakes, there must be sanctions," says Fadli

Fadli said his party will wait for the results or official calculation of Pilgub Jabar. He also said that the Gerindra coalition and the Prosperous Justice party bearing Ajat-Syaikhu are still solid. "We see that Gerindra here is tough with our coalition," said Fadli.

Known, according to the latest data from the Indonesian Survey Institute, Ajik-Syaikhu couples seized 27.98%, lost by Ridwan-Uu with 32.98%. According to the results of the indicators, Ajat-Syaikhu seized 29.28%, while Ridwan-Uu excelled by 34.33%

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